Hey Neighbour! is a grassroots campaign birthed out of Illawarra Prayer Breakfast's, Together for the Illawarra. This initiative is aimed to empower, activate, and unify churches across the Illawarra to be a blessing to their communities. Whether it be through prayer, community assistance, or connecting with church community, we are looking forward with great anticipation of what the future holds for our region.
Our Values
Hey Neighbour! is a church-led movement with organisational structures in place for maximum success and impact. In order to see an empowered, activated and united body, we must adhere to the same values.
We believe the heart of Hey Neighbour! is a church body that resembles the likeness Jesus both in conduct and outcome. This in practice can be seen in the following ways:
Collaborative Engagement: Intentionally promoting collaboration and engagement of the wider Body of Christ.
Accountability: Accountable to Christ and to one another on our journey of unity.
Relational Unity: Relationship-based unity as a platform for our collaborative efforts.
Humility: Honouring one another in the spirit of humility recognising the uniqueness of God's calling and leading in each other's lives.