Here are some helpful examples of bridging statements/ questions for evangelism. Thanks to Hazel Nisbet from Woonona Presbyterian Community Church for this amazing resource.
"You know I am a Christian but I’ve never told you how that came to be"
"What are the joys and challenges in your life right now?"
"What are you passionate about?"
"Have you ever felt that God let you down?"
"Do you have a spiritual belief? (Ask questions about their faith)"
"When have you felt near or far from God?"
"If God was to do anything to meet a need in your life, what would that be?"
"If God was to do a miracle in your life, or the life of someone you love, what would it be? Can I pray for that right now? God did a miracle in my life…"
"Do you ever long for us to have a deeper conversation?"
"I want you to know ... Do you know ...?"
Share a Bible story/Jesus story from memory - see what impact it had, “What gets your attention in that story?"
Share Jesus’ wisdom:
eg “Where you treasure is there will your heart be also”
Your story: you don’t need to ask permission to tell your story!
Give a Bible / Gospel
Ask God for bridging statements ☺